Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation

Glen Doherty was one of the four Americans killed in a terror attack in Benghazi, Libya on September 12, 2012.  This Foundation is our way to honor Glen’s life and his beliefs.

OUR MISSION:  To ease the transition from military life and work to that of a civilian by helping fund educational costs for Special Operation individuals and their children.  We do this knowing Glen's spirit will continue to touch us all.  

OUR FOCUS:  Our focus is on providing current and former special operations professionals, from all branches of the government, the means necessary to transition and succeed in civilian life.  We are also enabling the children and families of these soldiers the ability to mature and grow through recreation. We employ the following tools to achieve our goals:

  • Scholarships for current or former Special Operation Professionals used for traditional education
  • Scholarships for current or former Special Operations Professionals used for vocational and non-traditional training
  • Subsidies and grants for the children of Special Operations Professionals to attend camps that build leadership
  • Gifts for the families of Special Operations Professionals and Foreign Service Officers, where a loss or life-changing debilitating injury has been suffered, to be used for recreation as a way of supporting the family unit through positive outdoor activities

OUR CHARITY:  We are a 501(c)(3) charity organization dedicated to honoring and preserving the memory of Glen Doherty and all those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in defending our nation in the Global War on Terror.