FAN (Family Action Network)

About us:

Family Action Network of Winchester (FAN) is a Winchester-based, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization which began in 1994.  Our mission is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, to provide parenting resources, and to offer a support network for families in our community with infants and small children.

FAN and Your Family:

FAN's mission is to provide resources and a support network for parents in addition to organizing many activities for young children and parents alike.  Your family can participate in playgroups, educational programs, food and toy drives, playground meetups and cleanups and more!

FAN and Your Community:

FAN is constantly striving to continue and increase our community outreach program.  The outreach program will facilitate initiatives that will take place either during regularly scheduled FAN events or on individual projects.  We will have programs geared towards the enhancement of our town, clean parks and giving efforts.  We have many other exciting initiatives this year and we encourage you and your family to join us in helping to make a difference.