Acera School

Acera enables young people to have a runway that fits their potential, developing the next generation of scientists, innovators, and leaders for our world. We are creating a microcosm of what is possible for all schools—early and deep exposure to STEM topics and innovative fields, practice in creative and complex thinking and problem solving, and opportunities to learn that align with students’ passions and capacities. Acera also offers flexible ability groupings in math and reading, allowing students to work at their own pace and engage in learning and discussion with like-ability peers.

We invent and practice new educational models, which include collaboration with world-class innovators and pilot tests of new curricula and approaches that can be scaled beyond our walls.

In addition, Acera recognizes that systemic racism affects all levels of society, including our school. We take a proactive role in making a more equitable and just world. Read our statement.